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Property is Aotearoa’s largest industry and one of our fastest growing and most dynamic.

It comprises a diverse range of organisations investing in retail, residential, commercial and industrial, and public sector developments and assets. A significant portion of the sector are listed entities with investors that span a wide range of entities, from KiwiSaver Funds, ACC and large financial institutions, through to “ma and pa” shareholders.

Furthermore, the breadth of the sector encompasses a variety of professions including architecture, quantity surveying, building and construction, material manufacturers, property development and management, sub contractor trades and leasing and real estate services.

The sector is critical to overcoming many challenges the country faces, including the housing shortage, keeping in step with the growth in manufacturing and achieving stable employment. However, it is not without its own challenges including sustainability and climate change, supply chain costs and materials restrictions, and the impact of COVID-19 on a shift to hybrid and flexible working.

A complex sector such as this demands a multi-faceted approach to communications to ensure all stakeholder requirements are met, including satisfying NZX obligations.

Anthem draws on a wide range of connections, stakeholders and experience to provide bespoke services to property related clients, undertaking everything from small local announcements, through to ongoing media engagement, investor communications, issues management, marketing new developments, and reputation management for large entities.

case study

Stride Property

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Stride Property

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