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Public sector


Anthem’s team has extensive experience assisting clients in the public sector.

This includes helping organisations build awareness of their services, the ways in which they help New Zealanders, and the value they bring to the nation’s reputation internationally.

In the cases of NZ Story and Education NZ, Anthem’s role is to help them tell meaningful stories on behalf of the businesses and institutions they serve, and the significant contributions both organisations make to New Zealand’s economy and brand offshore.

Our consultants do this by deploying carefully developed strategies informed by research, and creating content that educates and engages a broad range of stakeholders.

Media relations programmes on behalf of several clients have resulted in sustained, positive coverage that has served to underpin their social license to operate and the important contributions these organisations make to New Zealand.

case study

Aged Care Association: The Domino Effect

Learn more
Aged Care Association: The Domino Effect

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